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Dreams are made of sterner stuff

Praneeta Kochhar – Tales of yore-Praneeta Kochhar

They say, “Follow your dreams, they always know the way.”

We all have dreams and aspirations that are close to our heart.

There are dreams that we weave with a loved one, there are the dreams that we have for our future and ourselves.

There are some dreams that are seen by someone, even before we are born,

Hidden variety

And then, somewhere in the corner of our hearts, there are those hidden dreams, that we find too good to even be dreamt.

It is in these dreams that life truly exists.

We often have certain desires or hopes that we truly want to come true, but due to their sheer magnitude and the bleak possibility of their coming true, we get scared to even dream. As we grow up, the possibilities grow smaller, and the heart learns, to restrict our dreams and our expectations from life itself.

Unseen energy

From dreaming about magical kingdoms and unicorns, we start planning the basics and name them our dreams. We start telling ourselves that life is all about the physical laws of existence, and to hope for a dream world is an absurd illusion, meant for the dreamers and not the doers (as if dreaming is a flaw, and not a gift).

But we fail to understand one basic truth: that dreams have a funny way of coming true. Sometimes, when you least expect it, and when the chances are rarest, our cherished dream comes true.

And all it really takes from us, is the will to move on and the ability to let our life be swayed away on the rhythm of nature, or the unseen eternal energy, which some even call fate. We often find our most treasured dream come true, and there is absolutely no reasoning for them, as when we do look back, there would be a series of events or co-incidences that make us work towards our destined realisation of dreams.

All of us find ourselves in a place, where the path just emerges, and takes us to our destiny.

Therefore, in a highly unbelievable and magical way, our dreams truly do know the way to enter our life.

Praneeta Kochhar lives in Hamilton

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