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Good exercise gives slimmers and edge

More than 30 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes in India.

Some other estimates place the number of people affected as 40 million.

The high levels of cardiovascular disease and diabetes among the people of Indian origin (PIO) in New Zealand illuminate many challenges that confront our health system.

If the Asian grouping is considered as a whole, the incidence of such diseases may not seem high. However, considered on their own, Indians in New Zealand show the highest rates of self-reported diabetes compared to other ethnic communities.

Highly vulnerable

A number of studies and surveys support this fact; they are susceptible to high levels of cardiovascular disease, similar to Māori.

SlimmersEdge, a boutique gym in downtown Auckland has found that PIO, Maori and Pacific Islanders carry high levels of body fat, visceral fat (fat contained in organs such as liver and lungs) and are below normal hydration levels.

I think that regular daily exercise is important, especially in our modern world of sedentary occupations. Walking for half an hour every day increases oxygen and blood flow improving general health.

We use a combination of vibration training, cardio and floor exercises at SlimmersEdge.

These exercises increase metabolic activity, improve blood circulation and enhance cardiovascular strength. Indians have a different attitude towards exercise and hence need support and personal assistance for regular attendance.

Diverse cuisine

Indian cuisine reflects 5000-year history of various groups and cultures interacting with the Subcontinent, leading to diversity of flavours and regional cuisines found in India.

Ayurveda has classified food as Saatvic (light and easy to digest), Raajsic (hot and spicy) and Taamsic (heavy, dull and depressing).

Indian cuisine is healthy, but if not properly handled, can lead to health issues. I have observed that obesity can be controlled through several methods. They are as follows.

Volume control (over eating): This is due to the eating style. Most Indians place their food on the middle of the table and it is easy to forget that one plate is enough.

Fresh vegetables such as coleslaw, rocket, watercress, cucumber and mooli radish salads balance the long cooking styles, strong flavours and fatty content. I recommend a light vinegar dressing with no artificial flavorings or mayonnaises.

Brown rice: Unlike white rice, brown rice needs more chewing, stimulating digestive juices. It has more roughage and is a more balanced food.

We do a measure of body fat and weight with muscle mass. Most Indians have dangerous levels of body fat (between 35% and 50%) with increasing levels of diabetes.

I am happy to address groups and discuss how to change the health and weight problem.

I also talk about how to reduce abdominal swelling common in Indian men.

Beth Neilson, whose photographs appear here, is an inspiration for many overweight sufferers in all ethnic groups.

David Clark runs SlimmersEdge located at 45 Anzac Avenue in Auckland Central. He is keen to talk to Indian Newslink readers about regular workout programmes. He can be contacted on (09) 3091177. Email:

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