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The eternal sanctuary that humans can never match

Praneeta Kochhar – The eternal sanctuary-Praneeta Kochhar

Mother Nature is the greatest magician, with so many hues and shades under her veil, which are beyond our imagination.

The peace and serenity one feels in the lap of nature is unparallel to any other feeling in the world.

In our fast-paced life and metropolitan style of living, we constantly feel the need and often the urgency to disconnect from the material world that we create for ourselves and explore the magic of nature, in its purest forms.

Gracious Giver

When you look at a tree, it simply stands tall, spreading its arms for anyone who needs them. It houses insects and birds, gives oxygen for us to breathe, shares its fruits and flowers, and provides shade in a scorching summer sun.

And yet, it stands tall in peace. It only gives, and never asks for anything but it is content with its existence.

The faster we move towards acquiring possessions in the modern living, the more is the need to unwind and relax, only so that we can recharge for another round of work or life as we know it.

Manic Choice

Almost everyone, at some point in their lives, is forced to question the pace of our life and ask the fundamental question, “Why and where are we running in our lives? And when is a good time to just stop and breathe?”

If we think about it, may be the stillness of nature around us, and the joy of simply being, without achieving or announcing anything to everyone around, sends a message to our manic choice of being.

We are always running, to achieve milestones, to gain successes and then to be recognized for those achievements. Whereas nature, simply exists, in immense joy.

When we come in a close connect with nature, everything else just seems pale and lifeless compared to the vivacious ways of nature, and no matter what we do, we know this is where we belong- in the lap of a loving Mother Nature, who never questions, never judges and is always dancing to the rhythm of joy.

Praneeta Kochhar is a versatile writer. She lives in Hamilton.

Pictures by Ashok Kochhar

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