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Unseen benefits of ‘Third Eye Awakening’ unfolded

Ma Deva Vedanta –

Reading and playing tic-tac-toe while blind-folded, these were some of the Yogic abilities or ‘Siddhis’ that 13-year-old Ma Maheshwara visiting from Dallas, USA demonstrated recently at public meetings in Wellington, Rotorua and Auckland.

Ma Maheshwara acquired this ability while attending ‘Nithyananda Gurukul,’ a holistic Vedic school in India that combines regular schooling with emotional enrichment and enlightenment-based studies. It was here that she was initiated into the ‘Third Eye’ (Ajna Chakra) Awakening by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, an enlightened Master.

Blindfold Reading

Unseen benefits of Third Eye- Ma Maheshwara in WellingtonDemonstrations of Third Eye Awakening blindfold reading were held at the Mind, Body and Self International Conference at Victoria University of Wellington (reports on which appears under Businesslink and Communitylink in this issue), the Gandhi Hall of Rotorua, Waiariki Institute of Technology, Rotorua, and at the Kawai Purapura Retreat Centre in Auckland.

Scientists, philosophers, researchers, educators, students, parents and children attended the sessions. People had opportunities to examine Ma Maheshwara’s blindfold and set her various tasks, including writing words for her to read, setting out blocks which she copied flawlessly, and getting her to follow them around the room.

They left amazed at her confident and intelligent replies to their questions, convinced that is no ordinary teenager.

Increased Intelligence

Unseen benefits of Third Eye- Ma Maheshwara in RotoruaThe Third Eye Awakening initiation is now being given by Paramahamsa Nithyananda to all people attending ‘Inner Awakening,’ a 21-day transformational retreat offered several times every year. Much more than the blindfold abilities, the main benefits of ‘Third Eye Awakening’ are increased intelligence, high intuition levels, extraordinary creativity and confidence.

Hundreds who have been initiated from around the world are expressing powers at varying levels – from improved eyesight, seeing shapes and colours and reading blind-folded, some in languages unknown to them, and even scanning the human body to diagnose problems. But the awakening of the Third Eye is not just about expressing extraordinary abilities, mental, physical and emotional benefits; it is an effective technique to drop self-doubt and obstacles that stop us from expressing our highest possibilities and flowering into the space of Enlightenment.

Harnessing Natural Laws

Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s aim is to bridge the gap between science and spirituality by reviving, sharing and preserving ancient, eternal truths from the Vedic and Siddha traditions for the benefit of humanity.

He says: “Siddhis or miraculous powers are nothing but harnessing the natural laws, which modern science has not yet understood.” With authentic initiation (energy transmission) and the right system of education, these abilities can only be used for the highest good and cannot be used negatively.

The ‘Nithyananda Gurukul’ is working with doctors and scientists to provide authentic information on Third Eye Awakening. The potential includes for the visually disabled to read books without Braille.

New Zealand Scene

Locally, the Nithyananda Sangha, ‘Life Bliss New Zealand’ is a spiritual community guided by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, working to uplift each other to achieve the space of peak possibilities and enlightenment, and to experience oneness (Advaita).

We offer spiritual healing services, classes and workshops on Living Enlightenment – the Science of Completion and Fulfilment, 4 Spiritual Powers for Success, Vedic and Siddha sciences, Chakra-based meditations, Self-enquiry techniques, and workshops directly with Paramahamsa Nithyananda such as the ‘Nithya Kriya Yoga’ weekend workshop.

For health, we offer Kriyas to overcome disorders without side effects.

For parents and children there are workshops on Conscious Pregnancy and Parenting, the science of highest possibilities and emotional enrichment for Children based on the syllabus from ‘Nithyananda Gurukul’ and various discourses.

We invite you to learn more about us and what we do, to experience these for yourself, and to work together with us to confirm and spread these sciences.

To learn more, please visit:

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